Friday, May 04, 2007

Domain-Driven Design

I finally bought Domain-Driven Design, and I got it yesterday. I'm still just in the first chapter, but it really is a fascinating book. Evans isn't giving a lecture on design; he's telling stories from his experience, and letting the stories educate the reader. And he's such a good storyteller that not only am I learning quickly, but I actually hate to put it down! I expected to learn and be interested, but I never thought a book on software could be this engaging.

As you may have seen from the flurry of posts I've been submitting recently, the topic of better software design has been stirring in my head for a few months now. I'll elaborate on that in another post. It is sufficient for now to say that my purchase of Domain-Driven Design was exceedingly well-timed. Despite my recent lack of faithfulness to God, He seems to be heaping grace upon me anyway - educating me and helping me in my career despite myself.

God never ceases to amaze me.

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