Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Florida Was AWESOME!

Sorry about the utter lack of activity over the last couple of weeks. We were in Florida last week - St. George Island, to be specific. Heavenly. Did absolutely nothing but swim and take pictures. Some friends from Memphis (Collin and Vicki) came with us, and Collin brought all his photography equipment. Being able to play with a studio flash and softbox for a whole week was truly...illuminating. Got some great pictures with it, and had fun at the same time. And it sounds like I got him hooked on Lightroom in the process.

Anyway, I'll be posting pictures later. I'm still excited about Cinelerra (trying to get it to compile under OS X right now), and I'm also rediscovering Blender. But I'm still catching up both at work and at home, so I must leave again for a bit.


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