Thursday, May 03, 2007

MacBook Hard Drive Upgrade Successful (part 2)

It's kinda funny, the psychological effect that RsyncX has had on me. Maybe funny, maybe not.

I've been planning to write my own sync program (yes, called Sync) in mono for quite some time. And my intent has always been to maintain a mirror of my Lightroom database and pics.

Now, RsyncX can maintain a bootable mirror of my MacBook's whole hard drive.

I don't know what to design anymore.

I still find myself out of habit re-entering the design process for Sync whenever I get a minute or two of spare CPU time. And right about the time I have to return my attention to whatever I'm supposed to be doing, I remember RsyncX, and realize I've just wasted several minutes of downtime.

Maybe I'll pick back up that project build-management design I was working on during my infatuation with RoR.

Or, maybe, I'll just read a good book.

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