Friday, June 15, 2007

Ubuntu Studio

OK, I'll admit it - I'm a little slow. I just now found out about the release of Ubuntu Studio.

This could become my favorite OS, bar none. Especially in light of the media work I do for my church. I'll do what I can to get at least them to devote one machine to Ubunto Studio in the A/V booth. At the very least, it would be perfect for recording services. I'm definitely going to install it at home.

Screenshot tour here.


RasterPix said...

Hey, Phil. Long time, no type. ;)
I have heard good things about Ubuntu for quite some time. It is interesting that Dell is offering it pre-installed on some of their products.

If I remember correctly, Ubuntu uses Gnome as its desktop and Kubuntu is a KDE-based project . Is that still the case or can you chose which desktop GUI (KDE or Gnome) you want with the current Ubuntu release?

Btw, I hope that things are going well with you and your family. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I like Ubuntu too, but I have trouble locating drivers for my hardware, namely my laptop's internal wifi card.

not up to code said...

Phil you are so behind the times. Haven't you heard of Ubuntu 2008? I'm test driving it now. Catch me if you can.